How to Create Assignments for Your Canvas Course

Using assignments in Canvas provides a streamlined process for assigning homework and creating quizzes for students. Canvas considers an ‘assignment’ to be anything that is graded, whether that be a quiz or homework assignment, and whether it’s delivered entirely online, paper-and-pencil, or is a participatory assignment with no actual deliverable.

This Quick Start guide will cover the creation of assignments where the student submits a file electronically, on paper, using an external tool such as Turnitin or Panopto, or where no submission is expected (e.g. class participation). See How to Create Tests and Quizzes for Your Canvas Course and Create and Manage Discussions for more information about using those tools as assignments.

1. In the Course Navigation menu, click the Assignments link.

Navigation menu in Canvas with red arrow pointing to <a href=link for Assignments. " width="168" height="214" />

2. Click “+Assignment” at the top right.

Blue add assignment button in Canvas.

3. Write the assignment title and directions for students.

Screenshot indicating with red arrows to the Assignment Name text box and the RCE text box

4. Assign the number of points available for the assignment.

Screenshot of Points field in a Canvas assignment showing a sample value of 20.

5. Choose an “Assignment Group”. Assignment groups are, in essence, a category of assignment. For more information about using Assignment Groups, see the Canvas guides regarding Assignments.

Screenshot of assignments dashboard in Canvas with drop down menu showing how to assign an assignment to a group.

6. There are four submission types:

Screenshot of Canvas assignments with drop down menu indicating how to select an assignment type. Red arrow pointing to the