Applying for the JET Programme

Applying for the JET Programme? The application period for the JET Programme is usually between September and November. The application forms are only available at this time. There is only one intake of applications per year and that is always for a departure to Japan the following year in either April or July/August.

Applying for the JET Programme

JET Program applications

Prior to your application there are many things you can do to show your interest in Japan and to aid your future application to JET. It would be possible for you to take the opportunity to study more about Japan, by reading Japanese literature, or watching Japanese movies; learning the language informally, or formally; or studying about Japan’s culture and etiquette. It would also be beneficial to improve your own national knowledge.

Ganbatte and good luck! If you find the information on this page useful please consider making a small donation to keep us up and running. Thanks.

Jet Programme Books

Please note: as well as submitting an online application there could also be supporting documentation that needs to be sent in through the post or via courier. See below for details of what will be required. Please use this information to obtain the documentation to aid your early application in September/October.

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) recruits via the embassies and consulates of Japan participants of the JET Programme from the following countries. For detailed information on applying for the JET Programme and the application for the JET Programme, please contact the embassy or consulate of Japan in the country of your nationality. Please note that not all the countries listed below are recruiting participants for the programme in every year.