The new cookbook is out TODAY!! (+ sneak peeks!)

Exciting news! Our new cookbook - Love & Lemons Every Day - is out now! It’s packed with over 100 all-new vegetarian recipes + so much more.

Love & Lemons Every Day - my new cookbook!

It’s here! My new cookbook, Love & Lemons Every Day, is out TODAY!!

I’m so excited to be sitting here writing this post, because the process of making this book was a long one! About 3 years ago, I set out with SO many ideas that I wanted to pack into this book. Over time, I kept adding more and more… and more. I’d think – “Ooh, this section would be helpful,” or “Oh I’d like to have that information on hand,” and “L et’s add MORE dinner recipes,” etc, etc. As I got carried away, the process got longer, the book got bigger, and now that it’s done, I’m so proud of the final result. It’s a big fat 300-page hardcover book that’s stuffed to the brim with produce-packed recipes for every meal. It’s a feast for the eyes as well as the tummy.

Apple Books / Google Play / Kindle
Kobo (US) / Kobo (Canada) / Nook

The book is full of
all-new recipes – from breakfast to dessert – where produce is the star. For example, butternut squash becomes the best creamy queso you’ve ever eaten, broccoli transforms into a zesty green “rice” burrito filling, and sweet potato blends into a smooth chocolate frosting.

It’s a resource that you (and I) will want to keep on the countertop, because it’s so darn useful. You’ll find inspiration in the many visual infographics… there’s a giant matrix of five-ingredient salad dressings, a guide to quick weeknight pastas, a grid to show you how to roast any vegetable, and much much more!

Here’s what you’ll find in the book!

Here are some of my favorite recipes!

And, of course, there are many more!

Apple Books / Google Play / Kindle
Kobo (US) / Kobo (Canada) / Nook