An essential overview as well as a theoretical critique for all students of design history. Walker studies the intellectual discipline of Design History and the issues that confront scholars writing histories of design.
Taking his approach from a range of related fields, he discusses the problems of defining design and writing history. He considers the different methods that leading scholars have used in the absence of a theoretical framework, and looks critically at a number of histories of design and architecture.
Chapter List (19 chapters):
- Chapter 1: Cover
- Chapter 2: Title Page
- Chapter 3: Copyright
- Chapter 4: Contents
- Chapter 5: Acknowledgements
- Chapter 6: Introduction
- Chapter 7: 1 Design History and the History of Design
- Chapter 8: 2 Defining the Object of Study
- Chapter 9: 3 Craft and Design
- Chapter 10: 4 Designers and Designed Goods - the Proper Objects of Study?
- Chapter 11: 5 Production-consumption Model
- Chapter 12: 6 General Problems of History-writing
- Chapter 13: 7 Varieties of Design History
- Chapter 14: 8 Style, Styling and Lifestyle
- Chapter 15: 9 Consumption, Reception, Taste
- Chapter 16: ‘Conclusion’
- Chapter 17: Form/female Follows Function/male: Feminist Critiques of Design
- Chapter 18: Bibliography
- Chapter 19: Index
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