THOMAS WHITE EMAIL TO CEDARVILLE UNIVERSITY REGARDING THE SUPREME COURT DECISION ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGE JUNE 30, 2015 / 105 COMMENTS Below is the email that I sent to the Faculty and Staff at Cedarville University on Saturday, June 27, 2015. I am posting it here so that students, parents, alumni, and friends can join in praying for Cedarville University in the coming days and specifically praying that God would visit our campus in a unique way this fall. I want to see God move like He did during the Great Awakenings and for all of us to come to clearer realization of who we are, who God is and to be more like Jesus. Dear Cedarville Family, Today, I am in Seattle, WA for an alumni meeting. Tomorrow, just blocks from my hotel room rainbow banners mark the route where a gay pride parade will celebrate, as none have in the past, the recent ruling of the Supreme Court. I could not help but reflect upon the rainbow, a symbol of God’s mercy, which has been turned to mean something very different. I am burdened for our nation and for so many people hopelessly looking for fulfillment down the dead end road of a sexual revolution. They will soon discover the emptiness of their journey, and amidst their eventual despair, we must be ready to present a biblical worldview and the hope of the Gospel with more clarity, compassion, and boldness than ever before. Walking beneath the banners, I found myself thinking back to Daniel and what he must have experienced as he remained faithful in a much more secular culture.

Transgender Equality

THE REPORT OF THE About the National Center for Transgender Equality The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) is the nation’s leading social justice policy advocacy organization devoted to ending discrimination and violence against transgender people. NCTE was founded in 2003 by transgender activists who recognized the urgent need for policy change to advance transgender equality. NCTE now has an extensive record winning life-saving changes for transgender people. NCTE works by educating the public and by influencing local, state, and federal policymakers to change policies and laws to improve the lives of transgender people. By empowering transgender people and our allies, NCTE creates a strong and clear voice for transgender equality in our nation’s capital and around the country. © 2016 The National Center for Transgender Equality. We encourage and grant permission for the reproduction and distribution of this publication in whole or in part, provided that it is done with attribution to the National Center for Transgender Equality. Further written permission is not required. RECOMMENDED CITATION James, S. E., Herman, J. L., Rankin, S., Keisling, M., Mottet, L., & Anafi, M. (2016).The Report of the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey. Washington, DC: National Center for Transgender Equality. The Report of the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey by: Sandy E. James Jody L. Herman Susan Rankin Mara Keisling Lisa Mottet Ma’ayan Anafi December 2016 Table of Contents Acknowledgements . 1

Shifting the Media Narrative on Transgender Homicides

w Training, Consultation & Research to Accelerate Acceptance More SHIFTING THE MEDIA Than NARRATIVE ON TRANSGENDER HOMICIDES a Number MARCH 2018 PB 1 Foreword 03 An Open Letter to Media 04 Reporting Tip Sheet 05 Case Studies 06 Spokespeople Speak Out 08 2017 Data Findings 10 In Memorium 11 Additional Resources 14 References 15 AUTHORS Nick Adams, Director of Transgender Media and Representation; Arielle Gordon, News and Rapid Response Intern; MJ Okma, Associate Director of News and Rapid Response; Sue Yacka-Bible, Communications Director DATA COLLECTION Arielle Gordon, News and Rapid Response Intern; MJ Okma, Associate Director of News and Rapid Response; Sue Yacka-Bible, Communications Director DATA ANALYSIS Arielle Gordon, News and Rapid Response Intern; MJ Okma, Associate Director of News and Rapid Response DESIGN Morgan Alan, Design and Multimedia Manager 2 3 This report is being released at a time in our current political climate where LGBTQ acceptance is slipping in the U.S. and anti-LGBTQ discrimination is on the rise. GLAAD and This report documents The Harris Poll’s most recent Accelerating Acceptance report found that 55 percent of LGBTQ adults reported experiencing the epidemic of anti- discrimination because of their sexual orientation or gender transgender violence in identity – a disturbing 11% rise from last year. 2017, and serves as a companion to GLAAD’s In our online resource for journalist and advocates, the Trump tip sheet Doubly Accountability Project, GLAAD has recorded over 50 explicit attacks by the Trump Administration – many of which are Victimized: Reporting aimed at harming and erasing transgender people, including on Transgender an attempt to ban trans people from serving in the U.S.

LGBTQ History at Rutgers University 1969 Sophomore Lionel Cuffie

LGBTQ History at Rutgers University 1969 Sophomore Lionel Cuffie establishes the Rutgers Student Homophile League on the College Avenue campus in New Brunswick. It was the first openly homosexual organization in New Jersey and one of the oldest organizations on a college campus nationwide. Over time, the league evolved into the Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Alliance of Rutgers University (BiGLARU) and is now known as the Queer Student Alliance (QSA) 1970 The League sets up office in the Rutgers Student Center and holds weekly meetings on the College Avenue campus and discussion groups and socials on the Busch and Douglass campuses. 1974 Rutgers holds its first Blue Jeans Day to raise awareness about gay and lesbian issues among the student population. 1976 The School of Law-Newark organizes the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Caucus to represent LGBT interests and raise awareness on campus. The caucus also encourages the study of law affecting the LGBT community. 1981 Rutgers adopts policies prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation, amending anti-discrimination policies first adopted in 1974. 1988 President Edward J. Bloustein establishes the President’s Select Committee for Lesbian- Gay Concerns and directs the New Brunswick, Newark, and Camden provosts to identify a student affairs staff member to assume responsibility for lesbian and gay concerns. These liaisons were responsible for protecting the interests of lesbians and gay men, and later bisexual and transgender individuals, at Rutgers. 1989 David Nichols and Morris J. Kafka-Hozschlag publishes “The Rutgers University Lesbian/Gay Alliance, 1969-1989: The First Twenty Five Years,” a special issue of The Journal of the Rutgers University Libraries.

Trans Resources

Resources Duke Child and Adolescent Gender Care TransActive, support for trans* children and families Tarheel Transmen online support group Charlotte Gender Alliance, support group Gender Benders- Greenville Support and Activist Group GLBTQ Palmetto Gender Association, connecting trans* folks with resources in South Carolina chapters PFLAG: PFLAG Flat Rock/Hendersonville WNC Trans Support Hotline through Campaign for Southern Equality 237-1323 Phoenix Transgender Support Group (meet every 2 months) Asheville Transformers groups.html YouthOUTright for GLBTQ youth, ages 14-23, QORDS a camp For lgbtqqia youth and youth of lgbtqqia parents ages 11-17. Social Justice and Music camp with year round events. Western NC Community Health Services 285-0622, Asheville Planned Parenthood 252-7928, hormone therapy, education, referrals Beloved House Asheville Trans* affirming homelessness resource, 39 Grove St. 242-8261 Mission Hospital Speech Therapy, contact Patricia Handlon 213-0850 24/7 Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255 the Trevor Project 866-4-U-TREVOR (866-488-7386) for sharing positive trans experiences Anne L. Boedecker, PhD, The Transgender Guidebook: Keys to a Successful Transition,

Homophobia and Transphobia Illumination Project Curriculum

Homophobia and Transphobia Illumination Project Curriculum Andrew S. Forshee, Ph.D., Early Education & Family Studies Portland Community College Portland, Oregon INTRODUCTION Homophobia and transphobia are complicated topics that touch on core identity issues. Most people tend to conflate sexual orientation with gender identity, thus confusing two social distinctions. Understanding the differences between these concepts provides an opportunity to build personal knowledge, enhance skills in allyship, and effect positive social change. GROUND RULES (10­15 minutes) Materials: chart paper, markers, tape. Due to the nature of the topic area, it is essential to develop ground rules for each student to follow. Ask students to offer some rules for participation in the post­performance workshop (i.e., what would help them participate to their fullest). Attempt to obtain a group consensus before adopting them as the official “social contract” of the group. Useful guidelines include the following (Bonner Curriculum, 2009; Hardiman, Jackson, & Griffin, 2007): Respect each viewpoint, opinion, and experience. Use “I” statements – avoid speaking in generalities. The conversations in the class are confidential (do not share information outside of class). Set own boundaries for sharing. Share air time. Listen respectfully. No blaming or scapegoating. Focus on own learning. Reference to PCC Student Rights and Responsibilities:­rights/student­rights.pdf DEFINING THE CONCEPTS (see Appendix A for specific exercise) An active “toolkit” of terminology helps support the ongoing dialogue, questioning, and understanding about issues of homophobia and transphobia. Clear definitions also provide a context and platform for discussion. Homophobia: a psychological term originally developed by Weinberg (1973) to define an irrational hatred, anxiety, and or fear of homosexuality.

Accelerating Acceptance 2016

Accelerating Acceptance 2016 A Harris Poll survey of Americans’ acceptance of LGBT people 1 GLAAD’s“ findings point to a culture of Accelerating complacency, wherein Acceptance 2016 the non-LGBT public is under the false and Introduction potentially dangerous 2015 represented an especially historic year in the movement impression that for LGBT equality, with the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, which guaranteed same-sex couples the right the work for LGBT to marry nationwide. Notwithstanding the American public has grown well beyond majority status in support for marriage equality equality is done. and we have reached what TIME Magazine called the “transgender tipping point,” GLAAD’s recent survey results, conducted by Harris Poll, reveal that other key, yet perhaps more nuanced attitudes about LGBT people are lagging and the cause of Accelerating “ Acceptance in 2016 and beyond must continue. With the monumental progress achieved for marriage equality also comes a misperception that LGBT people are now fully equal in the eyes of the law. For example, half of non-LGBT Americans (50%) currently believe that “gay people have the same rights as everybody else,” GLAAD’s survey reveals. GLAAD’s findings point to a culture of complacency, wherein the non-LGBT public is under the false and potentially dangerous impression that the work for LGBT equality is done. Yet, GLAAD’s survey also reveals that slow but steady progress is being made for acceptance of LGBT people. In many of the ‘comfortability’ questions central to GLAAD’s Accelerating Acceptance survey, non-LGBT Americans report significantly less discomfort than was reported in 2014.

LGBTQ+ QUICK FACTS Hardell’S ABC’S of LGBT+ Series Compares the Many Lables Similar to Bi, Their Definitions, Overlaps

Instagram: @JuntuDesign Twitter: @JuntunenAli Twitter: @JuntuDesign Instagram: BISEXUALITY it. about post you if her tagged you if appreciate she’d but way even without the expressed permission of the author, author, the of permission expressed the without even way All parts of this book are encouraged to be reproduced in any any in reproduced be to encouraged are book this of parts All © 2020 Ali Juntunen Ali 2020 © misconceptions, and more. more. and misconceptions, lables similar to bi, their definitions, overlaps, overlaps, definitions, their bi, to similar lables Hardell’s ABC’s of LGBT+ series compares the many many the compares series LGBT+ of ABC’s Hardell’s LGBTQ+ QUICK FACTS QUICK LGBTQ+ The first five-ish minutes of this instalation of Ash Ash of instalation this of minutes five-ish first The bi+ advocacy and education. and advocacy bi+ based organization focused on bi and and bi on focused organization based The Bisexual Resource Center is a US US a is Center Resource Bisexual The tion and links to more resources. more to links and tion - informa general of lots with start to place good A The original home for all things bi. things all for home original The information and resources. and information at risk LGBTQ+ youth. Their website is a wealth of of wealth a is website Their youth. LGBTQ+ risk at Get all the info on all current bi things. bi current all on info the all Get The Trevor Project is an organization that works with with works that organization an is Project Trevor The somewhere new so more people will see it.

Report of Lgbtq Campus Climate Task Force

REPORT OF LGBTQ CAMPUS CLIMATE TASK FORCE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT NEW PALTZ July 2013; Revised November 2013 LGBTQ Campus Climate Task Force Members: Karl Bryant: Faculty / Sociology / Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Rachel Dornheim: Student / Queer Student Union Thomas Gaffney: Staff / Human Resources Morgan Gwenwald: Faculty / Sojourner Truth Library Dana Hershkowitz: Student/Student Association (Fall 2013) Benjamin Junge: Faculty / Anthropology Lisa Kozlowski: Staff / Human Resources Tanhena Pacheco Dunn: Staff / Compliance and Campus Climate Michael Patterson, Chair: Staff / Student Activities & Union Services James Schiffer: Faculty / English Shane Triano: Student / Student Association (Spring 2013) Marcia Roth Tucci: Staff / Academic Advising Brendan Wright: Student / Residence Hall Student Association i | P a g e EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS The LGBTQ Task Force has been charged with making recommendations for improvement of the campus climate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students, faculty, and staff at SUNY New Paltz. Using data collected through the Campus Climate Survey, on-campus focus groups, and a Campus Pride Index assessment, we provide recommendations divided by in-progress status and priority. The recommendations are drawn from the following categories: Policy Review, Communications and Institutional Response, Binary/Sex Gender Issues, Coordination and Networks of Support, Training and Education, Academic Issues, Employee Issues, and Implementation and Ongoing Assessment. It is important to note that SUNY New Paltz has already begun to address a number of the concerns identified in this report. These recommendations have been included in this report in order to illustrate positive movement forward in addressing the experience for LGBTQ people at SUNY New Paltz.

Curriculum & Action Guide

DVD TITLE ARTSARTSFacilitating a Discussion IN AC IN ACTION Finding a Facilitator DIVERSE VOICES ON PAGE AND STAGE KRUDAS DEFINITION: AYA DE LEON Identify your own. When the 90’s hit,a all film the by Opie Boero ImwinkelriedIdentify your own. Whena film the by Jennifer 90’s hit, Ongiri all the new communication technologies offered new communication technologies offered people a new way to communicate that was people a new way to communicate that was ARTSeasier and more. INeasier and more. AC Be knowledgeable. When the 90’s hit, all the Be knowledgeable. When the 90’s hit, all the new communication technologies offered new communication technologies offered people a new way to communicate that was people a new way to communicate that was easier and more. easier and more. Be clear about your role. When the 90’s hit, Be clear about your role. When the 90’s hit, all the new communication technologies all the new communication technologies offered people a new way to communicate offered people a new way to communicate ARTSthat was easier and more. INthat was easier and more. AC Know your group. When the 90’s hit, all the Know your group. When the 90’s hit, all the new communication technologies offered new communication technologies offered people a new way to communicate that was people a new way to communicate that was easier and more. easier and more. JUNK BOX WARRIOR EL ABUELO BYRON CHIEF-MOON: GREY a film by Preeti AK Mistry a film by Dino Dinco HORSE RIDER a film by Marlene Millar and ARTS INPhilip SzporerAC Curriculum Guide ARTS

YAF's Comedy and Tragedy 2018-2019

INTRODUCTION 3 METHODOLOGY 4 BIG 10 CONFERENCE 5 University of Illinois 5 Indiana University 5 University of Iowa 6 University of Maryland 7 University of Michigan 7 Michigan State University 8 University of Minnesota 8 University of Nebraska 10 Northwestern University 10 Ohio State University 10 Penn State University 11 Purdue University 12 Rutgers University 12 University of Wisconsin 13 TOP LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGES 14 Williams College 14 Amherst College 17 Swarthmore College 18 Wellesley College 19 Bowdoin College 21 Carleton College 22 Middlebury College 23 Pomona College 24 Claremont McKenna College 25 Davidson College 26 SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE 28 University of Alabama 28 University of Arkansas 28 Auburn University 29 Page #1 of #51 University of Florida 29" University of Georgia 29" University of Kentucky 30" Louisiana State University 30" University of Mississippi 31" Mississippi State University 31" University of Missouri 31" University of South Carolina 32" University of Tennessee 32" Texas A&M University 33" Vanderbilt University 33" BIG EAST CONFERENCE 34" Butler University 34" Creighton University 34" DePaul University 35" Georgetown University 37" Marquette University 37" Providence College 38" St. John’s University 38" Seton Hall University 39" Villanova University 39" Xavier University 40" IVY LEAGUE 41" Brown University 41" Columbia University 41" Cornell University 43" Dartmouth College 44" Harvard University 46" University of Pennsylvania 48" Princeton University 50" Yale University 51 Page #2 of #51 INTRODUCTION Young America’s Foundation regularly reviews and audits course catalogs, textbook requirements, commencement speakers, and other key metrics that show the true state of higher education in America. These reports peel back the shiny veneer colleges and universities place on themselves in the name of “higher” education to reveal a stark reality: campuses devoid of intellectual diversity populated with leftist professors, faculty, and administrators intent on indoctrinating the rising generation in the ways of the Left.

True Colors Resource Guide

bois M gender-neutral M t t F F INTERSEXALLY Lesbian butch INTERSEXALLY Lesbian polyamorousBirls queer Femme queer bisexual GAY GrrlsAsexual bisexual GAY bi-curious bi-curious QUEstioningtransgender bi-confident pansexualtranssexual QUEstioningtransgender bois bois gender-neutral M gender-neutralLOVEM gender-neutral t t F F INTERSEXALLY Lesbian butch INTERSEXALLY Lesbian butch Birls polyamorousBirls polyamorousBirls queer Femme queer Femme Asexual bisexual GAY GrrlsAsexual bisexual GAY GrrlsAsexual bi-curious bi-curious transsexual QUEstioningtransgender bi-confident pansexualtranssexual QUEstioningtransgender bi-confident pansexualtranssexual bois M gender-neutral gender-neutral M t t F F ALLY Lesbian INTERSEX butch INTERSEXALLY Birls polyamorousBirls queer Femme queer bisexual Asexual GAY GrrlsAsexual bisexual bi-curious bi-curious transsexual QUEstioningtransgender bi-confident pansexualtranssexual QUEstioningtransgender bois bois LOVE gender-neutral M gender-neutral t F INTERSEXALLY Lesbian butch INTERSEXALLY Lesbian butch polyamorousBirls polyamorousBirls queer Femme queer Femme bisexual GAY GrrlsAsexual bisexual GAY GrrlsAsexual bi-curious bi-curious QUEstioningtransgender bi-confident pansexualtranssexual QUEstioningtransgender bi-confident pansexualtranssexual bois bois M gender-neutral M gender-neutral t t F F INTERSEXALLY Lesbian butch INTERSEXALLY Lesbian butch polyamorousBirls polyamorousBirls queer Femme queer Femme bisexual GAY GrrlsAsexual bisexual GAY GrrlsAsexual bi-curious bi-curious QUEstioningtransgender bi-confident